Newsletters – Mar 2013

Newsletters - March 2013

I must say the days, in fact, the Summer is fast moving!  I just can’t seem to keep up!
I was watching a National Geographic programme and saw this wonderful scene of a little Mongolian child of no more than three years old (!!!) who had been assigned to carry pieces of firewood into a tent for visiting American travellers.

He was struggling with his tiny arms and could only carry 3 pieces at a time and the pile was huge.  He had almost got through with it when the visitors arrived at their tent and feeling absolutely mortified by the fact that this mere toddler was arranging the situation of comfort in their tent for the night decided to offer him a treat of a bar of chocolate.

What ensued was priceless! The tiny boy took one look at the chocolate, looked at the pile that was in his arms and realised he could not hold the wood and reach out to receive the chocolate … he quickly glanced around for mother and realising that the coast was clear and the treat far better than this load he dropped the wood, snatched the chocolate and on bandy little legs headed for the hills with his prize!

I really do believe that there comes a time when we really have to stop and look at what we are doing in the precious moments of our time and question whether there are times when we should just surrender to an uplifting moment that may take us away from the drudgery that we often get caught up with and … LIVE!

Here’s to you and lots of delicious moments!
Love Denise


An inspiring event of the adventures of a brave Medic in Africa! Gwen will be speaking of her travels and experiences and also promoting her book:


This will be held at our new venue, The Library of the Spiritualist Church in Kendal Road, Diep River and we will be sampling a buffet dinner put together by a South African Springbok chef!

Payments and bookings up front are essential if you want to be part of this evening.  Please call Lesley 021 788 888 3 for more info.

With resident Shaman and healer Claire.

The course starts on 4 April for 6 weeks from 7pm to 9h30 pm each Thursday and the cost for this wonderful course of Journey work which includes colour and narrative exercise is R1500 … a journey of Inner freedom and Truth to transform your life force.

REMEMBER APRIL IS ANIMAL AWARENESS MONTH … there are so many ways we can help by donating even if it is blankets or an extra packet of dog food or even old newspapers to those organisations who battle to keep the important work they do going.

“The ways we treat and respect our animals are an indication of who we are as a Nation” … Mahatma Gandhi.


We have GIFT VOUCHERS available for Tarot readings, Energy work with Claire, reflexology and Intuitive massage

If you are planning on travelling or picnicking whilst the last of summer lasts don’t forget your HOT BOX … let it do the cooking while you travel to your venue!

Phone Lesley 021 788 888 3 for appointments … readings, healing, massage, counsel.

PLEASE DO VISIT our Face Book page “Tea and Tarot” Lakeside to keep in touch