Newsletters – Apr 2012

Hello Everyone,

Have had so many confirmations and little miracles happening to me with more stories of the Magic that makes the Tea and Tarot such an incredible place to be part of … but I know you do not have time to read long epistles so I will just get to a reminder that I believe is so important to us that was given to me in our Meditation class on a recent Saturday.

Lessons we know are necessary, it is the only way we are able to change and grow!

As we are constantly told how important these lessons are and some of them are very difficult for sure … we tend to hang on to them in fear of having to repeat the lesson.

I was reminded that just as the Autumn leaves that have fallen from the trees having blessed us with their magnificent colours of orange and gold, and are swept away by the cooler winds of a changing season … so we also need to let go of some of these lessons we hang onto and just allow life to continue.

Sitting in dread or clinging onto the memories of parts of our life that are just reminders of sadness, pain or anger are not healthy or necessary – the learning has been done.

Bless you all in your lessons and change,
Love Denise